Quake T-Shirt and Jeans (replaces default, forgot to make standalone version, this will be replaced) Mad Moxxi T-Shirt and Slacks (replaces default, forgot to make standalone version, this will be replaced)

(all of the shorts, crops and tanks only work on women. This is a mod I made for myself, so yeah, it’s a little self indulgent.Īll Items are using Vanilla meshes! No CBBE conversions yet. Install this mod to get a little more color and variety into your world. Some clothes and mixed them into the game. I was kind of tired of seeing such little variety in the raiders I killed or the settlers that would join my cause so I made If you like and / or would like to see more, please vote/endorse/track this mod! Steevin’s Marvelous Apparel for Fallout 4.